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Michele Myers

With a brush in hand and a pro set of oils, at the age of 7, my obsession with art began. From that day, producing aesthetically pleasing pieces to put out into the world has been an integral part of my life.

With a degree in Visual Design I have enjoyed a career as a graphic designer in branding, marketing and advertising. This carries through to my art pieces, transferring the elements and principles of visual design. Using colour theory to create visual effects and utilizing the power of colour to influence an audience. Brightly heated neon can create a high-energy environment, raising your excitement level. Soothing, low-key cooler tones can transport you to calm place and create a soothing or even introspective reaction.

My attraction to resin is the shine, reflection and the somewhat ostentatious presentation. Those who know me have an understanding of that facet of my personality so naturally, my love affair with resin began.

With resin, the process is slow and thoughtful. Each layer is a careful consideration in colour theory and transparency. As well, an exercise in patience as it takes hours for the resin to cure. Thus, each painting can take weeks to complete.



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