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Explore: Remembering A Patron: Asian Art Donations from Dr. Judith Patt

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE 

Admission by donation

Enjoy another admission by donation day this summer at the Gallery! Slegg Building Materials will be matching every donation on Thursdays from 5-9pm until August 31.

Explore: Supernatural: Art, Technology and the Forest

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE

Explore: Picturing The Giants: The Changing Landscapes of Emily Carr

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE

Explore: Supernatural: Art, Technology and the Forest

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE

Admission by Donation

Enjoy another admission by donation day this summer at the Gallery! Slegg Building Materials will be matching every donation on Thursdays from 5-9pm until August 31.

Youth Writing Workshop: Art As Stimulus for Writing

In collaboration with the University of Victoria Writing Department, Art as a Stimulus for Writing is a community learning camp for youth of high school age. The 3-morning program for the camp affords youth both independence and creativity. The direction of the camp will be, to a degree, determined by youth in tandem the workshop […]

Explore: Supernatural: Art, Technology and the Forest

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE

Video Screening with Leila Sujir Forest Breath: A Portrait In Progress

Join artist Leila Sujir for a screening of Forest Breath: A Portrait In Progress, a 3D stereoscopic video installation filmed with an IMAX rig with two Sony F65 8k cameras in the south Walbran (Port Renfrew). This screening is an opportunity to experience an innovative work in development, to meet the artist, and to contribute […]

Explore: Remembering A Patron: Asian Art Donations from Dr. Judith Patt

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE 

Explore: Picturing The Giants: The Changing Landscapes of Emily Carr

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE

Admission by Donation

Enjoy another admission by donation day this summer at the Gallery! Slegg Building Materials will be matching every donation on Thursdays from 5-9pm until August 31.

Explore: Picturing The Giants: The Changing Landscapes of Emily Carr with Michelle Jacques

Interact with  Michelle Jacques, Chief Curator. We’d love to share with you! LEARN MORE 

Admission by Donation

Explore: Supernatural: Art, Technology and the Forest

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE

Explore: Picturing The Giants: The Changing Landscapes of Emily Carr

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE

Explore: Remembering A Patron: Asian Art Donations from Dr. Judith Patt

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE 

Admission by Donation

Enjoy another admission by donation day this summer at the Gallery! Slegg Building Materials will be matching every donation on Thursdays from 5-9pm until August 31.

Explore: Remembering A Patron: Asian Art Donations from Dr. Judith Patt

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE 

Explore: Supernatural: Art, Technology and the Forest

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE

Explore: Supernatural: Art, Technology and the Forest

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE

Admission by Donation

Enjoy another admission by donation day this summer at the Gallery! Slegg Building Materials will be matching every donation on Thursdays from 5-9pm until August 31.

Explore: Picturing The Giants: The Changing Landscapes of Emily Carr

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE

Explore: Picturing The Giants: The Changing Landscapes of Emily Carr

Interactions with exhibition facilitators present opportunities for exploration and inquiry for a unique and memorable encounter with art. Come, be curious and learn! LEARN MORE

Admission by Donation

Enjoy another admission by donation day this summer at the Gallery! Slegg Building Materials will be matching every donation on Thursdays from 5-9pm until August 31.

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