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Gallery Associates, Virtual Event

Sunday Art Lecture: Understanding the Surrealist Imagination with Dr. Celia Rabinovitch

Mar 7 | 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Join us via Zoom for the 2021 Gallery Associates Sunday Art Lecture Series: The Visionary Eye: Surrealism from Europe to North America! Explore how surrealist artists in Europe, Canada, and the United States tried to free the mind from the oppression of rationalism, conformity, and the ordinary in order to experience new ways of seeing.

In this introduction to surrealism, “Understanding the Surrealist Imagination”, Dr. Rabinovitch discusses the surrealist revolution in Europe in the 1920’s and shows how its incendiary call to arms for the power of imagination is captured by artists such as Giorgio de Chirico, Rene Magritte and Joan Miro.

Rabinovitch analyzes the attraction of surrealists to nineteenth-century occultism, psychoanalysis, mysticism, and artwork from different cultural groups, and looks at surrealist modes of creation such as chance, dream images, and found objects to express the contradictions and complexities of the modern era creating an art that continues to be a potent force today.




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