#WIP Podcast
#WIP (i.e. Work-In-Progress) is a series taking you behind the scenes to explore curatorial and education projects taking shape both inside and outside of the AGGV’s physical gallery spaces. In this podcast you will hear from artists, museum staff, community collaborators and even different hosts as you discover a range of contemporary art practices and experimental projects in process.
Visit AGGV’s YouTube channel to check out #WIP episodes with ASL interpretations and captions, or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts:
This series is generously supported by a Canada Council for the Arts Digital Now Grant.
In episode 14, Mel Granley curator of Tender Touch spends time with participating artists Gerry Kramer, Simran Dhaliwal, Kaman Lu, and Grae Salisbury talking about their histories, practices, and considerations around tattooing in Victoria. The exhibition Tender Touch, at the Gallery November 2023 to May 2024, explores the city’s growing tattoo community and the art practice as a source of bodily autonomy and trust.
In episode 13, the curators of the recent exhibition Symbiosis, Jaimie Isaac and Mel Granley, speak with a sample selection of participating artists from the show and explore resonant themes between works, and ideas around fungi and forest ecologies. The exhibition Symbiosis examined all things mycelial and boreal, with emphasis on climate action, Indigenous perspectives and knowledge, pop-culture, and multispecies futurities. The curators delve into conversation with artists Diane Borsato, Rande Cook and Sarah Jim, speaking about their works in the exhibition as well as their artistic practices at large.
In episode 12, Marianne Nicolson, Gerry Ambers and Seneca Ambers share a glimpse into the layers of conversations that unfolded throughout the exhibition, Woven In: Indigenous Women’s Activism and Media. This conversation, recorded in May 2023 near the closing of the show, reflects broadly on the intergenerational grassroots leadership and anti-colonial organizing led by Indigenous women at the heart of Woven In. (Listen to Episode 10 to hear the conversation that was recorded during the opening celebration for the exhibition.)
In episode 11 we are joined by Tyrone Elliott, guest artist for the AGGV’s 2022 School Workshops series ― a partnership with the University of Victoria’s Indigenous Education Program. The 2022 workshops were inspired by our brand new Teacher Resource Guide, entitled Honouring, featuring artwork by three inspiring contemporary Indigenous artists, with cedar weaving activities facilitated by guest artist Tyrone Elliott.
In episode 10 we will hear from Gerry Ambers, Marianne Nicolson and Siku Allooloo, the co-curators of AGGV’s exhibition, Woven In: Indigenous Women’s Activism & Media. Joining the co-curators is Tania Willard, one of the contributing artists, Carmen Guerrero, a key activist connected to the show, and Toby Lawrence, one of the curators from Open Space Artist Run Centre, who supported the sister exhibition called Tide Lines: Coastal Resistance of the 60s & 70s. This conversation, recorded during the opening celebration for the exhibition, offers a window into the grassroots activism and Indigenous resurgence at the heart of the project.
In episode 9 we are joined by local film and dance artist Kemi Craig — guest curator for AGGV’s Blueprints for the Afrofuture programming series. In this episode Kemi Craig reflects on her collaborations with interdisciplinary Black artists and collectives from across BC (including Charles Campbell, Justine A. Chambers, Joshua Ngenda, Angie Riley, Ruby Smith Díaz, DJ Nova Jade, DJ Ayaverse, DJ Njoki Njoki, and the Hidden Variable Sound Collective), which resulted in art/offerings building on the work of artist Denyse Thomasos, whose paintings speak to the experience of the African diaspora (previously on view at the AGGV from December 2021 – March 2022).
In episode 8 we are joined by several staff and collaborators from Tangled Arts + Disability to reflect on a “mini digital accessibility audit” that their team oversaw, looking closely at some of the AGGV’s virtual spaces. Listen as Marina DiMaio, Digital Assets Coordinator at the AGGV and your host for this episode, sits down with Kayla Besse, Public Education Coordinator at Tangled, Sean Lee, Director of Programming at Tangled, Francis Tomkins, Communications Coordinator at Tangled, and Connor-Yuzwenko Martin, an external consultant at Tangled, to reflect on the digital accessibility work that has happened at the Gallery so far. Our hope is that this podcast episode will offer additional insights, ideas and resources for other arts organizations, on similar digital accessibility journeys.
In episode 7 we are joined by Michelle Jacques and Chase Joynt, co-creators of the Feminist Art Field School — an online course geared towards students, artists, curators and community members interested in gender, feminism and the porous boundaries between art, activism and academic practice (led in collaboration with the Department of Gender Studies at UVic throughout the fall semester of 2021). Check out AGGV’s YouTube channel to re-watch all 10 of the public facing lectures from the Feminist Art Field School!
In episode 6 we are joined by Canadian composer Anna Höstman to discuss the intersections between curating and composing that arose during her time collaborating with Dr. Heng Wu, Curator of Asian Art at the AGGV, on the 2022 Reverberations exhibition — an intergenerational, cross-disciplinary and cross cultural project where local artists, makers and creators were invited to reflect on works from AGGV’s permanent collection.
In episode 5 we are joined by some of the early career artists who were invited to respond to objects from the Gallery’s extensive museum collection in the Reverberations exhibition. Listen as Mel Granley, guest curator at the AGGV and your host for this episode, chats with Emily Geen, Estraven Lupino-Smith and James Summer about bringing different voices and interpretations from a range of perspectives, disciplines, and generations into the AGGV’s exhibition spaces.
In episode 4 we are joined by collaborators from the AGGV’s Indigenous Intergenerational Exchange project. This group, which includes participants who are contributors to social justice and frontline activism in their respective communities began gathering bi-weekly in February 2021 to share cultural teachings, critical understanding, and creative processes within a healing online space. Their conversations resulted in an exhibition titled Holding Ground, which was on view at the AGGV from July – October 2021.
In episode 3 we will learn about the work of Trinidadian-Canadian artist Denyse Thomasos, and her important career and historic contribution to BIPOC voices in Canadian art. From December 2021 through March 2022 the AGGV was thrilled to host the exhibition Denyse Thomasos: Odyssey — a retrospective organized and circulated by the McMichael Canadian Art Collection. During the run of the show the AGGV hosted a Zoom conversation with the curators of the exhibition, Gaëtane Verna, Director of The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, and Sarah Milroy, Chief Curator at the McMichael Canadian Art Collection. They were joined by Victoria based award winning novelist Esi Edugyan who contributed to the exhibition publication. This conversation with Gaëtane Verna, Sarah Milroy and Esi Edugyan was an exciting opportunity to learn about Thomasos’s works from a range of perspectives.
In episode 2 we are joined by participants from the AGGV’s Listeners In Residence series ― an intergenerational mentorship and skill-sharing program, connecting LGBTQ2+ youth (ages 15 to 35) with LGBTQ2+ seniors (ages 60+). Listen as your host for this episode Regan Shrumm, Curator of Listeners In Residence, chats with Juliet Beckwith and Joyce Rankin about nontraditional art gallery programs, connecting queer communities, and how building a friendship is a creative process and a piece of art in and of itself.
In episode 1 we are joined by collaborators from the AGGV’s School Workshops series ― a partnership with the University of Victoria’s Indigenous Education Program. Listen as your host for this episode Jennifer Van de Pol, Educator of School and Family Programs at the AGGV, chats with collaborative pianist and vocal coach Alex Chen, and a group of grade eight learners from Arbutus Global Middle School. You’ll also hear from several UVic Indigenous Education Students and John Harris, Elders and Indigenous Knowledge Facilitator from School District 61. The 2021 AGGV School Workshops were inspired by Dylan Thomas’s (Qwul’thilum’s) artworks from our latest Teacher Resource Guide with movement and sound activities facilitated by guest artist Alex Chen.