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LAB 6.1. Witness Marks: The Exotic Close to Home

July 7, 2006 - July 7, 2006

Through sculpture, film, video and photography, Donald Lawrence (Associate Professor, Visual and Performing Arts) and Will Garrett-Petts (Professor, English and Modern Languages) of Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, combine their disciplines to investigate childhood recollections of two small islands off Willows Beach, Victoria, BC. Garrett-Petts’ recollection of Jimmy Chicken Island (the local naming of Mary Tod Island), is derived from trips taken there in a small boat with friends: “That this once exotic place is in fact an island just off the beach exhibits a shift in scale that represents the gap between adult and childhood experience.” Petts presents a video from archival 8mm film taken on his childhood boat trips and documents his return to the Island. Donald Lawrence’s primary recollection of the island archipelago is the Fiddle Reef lighthouse, which has since been dismantled. Lawrence will map the main features of Fiddle Reef and Mary Tod Island in the present day and then use The LAB as a studio to create a model of the site. Gallery visitors are invited to come in and share their experiences of these islands and the surrounding area. Drawings, photographs and maps of the area are also welcome which will be exhibited alongside his work. Lawrence will be working in The LAB on the following days:

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