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Celebration of Elders in East Asian Art (in-person)

Mar 5 | 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The Gallery Associates are pleased to present the 2023 Sunday Art Lecture Series featuring Dr. Katherine Young’s richly illustrated overview of youth and old age in South Asia, East Asia, and the West. The series portrays age as perceived through different cultural values, symbols, and archetypes. Join us for the first installment of As if Autumn Leaves: Age in Asian and Western Art.  

This lecture explores ancestral portraits of family elders and statues of the old Confucius as the embodiment of educated wisdom at the heart of the government. Dr. Young also illustrates Daoism’s and Buddhism’s reverence for longevity and the elderly which is embodied in symbols of flora and fauna.

Only 75 seats available. Series subscribers will enjoy access to recordings of the lecture series for a limited time.

General $35 | Members and Students$30 

Get the series of 3 lectures: $90 General Admission; $75 Gallery Members and Students (buy series tickets by Feb 26).




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