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Collaborative GIF Mosaic with Howie Tsui

You’re invited to participate in a Collaborative GIF Mosaic project inspired by Howie Tsui’s referential video collage, Threading Needles through the Pupil, previously installed in the exhibition Howie Tsui: Retainers of Anarchy This unique project offers the opportunity for participants to collaborate and engage with the artist’s interest in visual sampling, memory and nostalgia which permeate his recent media work.

To learn how to make your GIF follow along as Howie Tsui walks you through a few simple steps in a video tutorial:

Step 1: Screen capture a video
Step 2: Trim/edit your video
Step 3: Upload your video to, add effects & export it as a GIF file
Step 4: Email your gifs to mdimaio[at] to see them featured in the Collective GIF Mosaic

We can’t wait to see what happens when your favorite excerpts from film and TV collide with memories, visual hooks and other impressionable scenes in a kind of collective nostalgic patchwork!