Times Colonist
Sponsor Spotlight: We couldn’t do it without them! Thank you to the Times Colonist for supporting the Gallery.
The Times Colonist is an English-language daily newspaper in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. It was formed by the merger, in 1980, of the Victoria Daily Times, established in 1884 and the British Colonist (later the Daily Colonist), established in 1858 by Amor De Cosmos, who was also British Columbia’s second Premier. The Times Colonist is owned by the Glacier Newspaper Group.
Local news receives the greatest prominence in the Times Colonist. Stories and photographs about Greater Victoria are often featured on the front page. But the newspaper also has national and international stories, plus sections covering the arts, sports, and business.
According to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, the average daily paid circulation for the Times Colonist, Tuesday to Friday, was 49,343 for the twelve months ending December 2013.
The Times Colonist is published six days a week (Tuesday to Sunday – before June 2009 it was published seven) and is sold by subscription or at newsstands.
In 2015 the newsroom of the Times Colonist was staffed by about 50 people, working as reporters, columnists, photographers, editors, layout designers, graphic artists and editorial assistants.
The first ninety years of the British Colonist (later, the Daily Colonist) are available online, with free access.