Listeners in Residence
Curated by Regan ShrummLearn more about this program by tuning into the AGGV’s #WIP Podcast to hear from participants from part two of the Listeners In Residence series. Listen wherever you get your podcasts, and visit our YouTube Channel for ASL interpretations and captions.
Listeners In Residence Part Two was an intergenerational mentorship and skill-sharing program, connecting LGBTQ2+ youth (ages 15 to 35) with LGBTQ2+ seniors (ages 60+). Youth and seniors were paired together for a four-month long mentorship running from September to December 2021. Over the course of this mentorship, individuals shared their queer experiences and skills as they got to know each other.
Each assigned group was given monthly recommendations, but it was ultimately up to the duo to determine what was wanted out of the mentorship. Possible examples of skill-sharing ideas included: dumpling making; using a sewing machine; photography; learning a musical instrument; or canning. Some of the program goals included: enabling reciprocal transfer of knowledge between pairings; promoting cross-cultural and intergenerational exchanges; and learning new skills to express self-identity and creativity.
Listener In Residence Part One was a 10-month intergenerational art project between the Luther Court Senior Care Home and the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, by artist Libby Oliver and curator Regan Shrumm. Working with Luther Court, the project was focused on the examination of isolation, loneliness, and end of life experiences and the emotions that came with it. Oliver held weekly art activity sessions where seniors could express themselves creatively through food and discussion, resulting in portraits of the seniors.
The project took on major adaptations due to the restrictions of COVID-19 when Oliver was no longer able to meet with the seniors of Luther Court in person. Instead, the AGGV called on volunteers to connect with isolated seniors across Vancouver Island. The project resulted in a website showcasing some of the experiences and outcomes from the intergenerational project.
Learn more by:
Watching the interview with Libby Oliver
Visiting the Listener In Residence website
Reading the Listener in Residence and Phoning Seniors Together, articles by Assistant Curator Regan Shrumm in the AGGV Magazine