The Whimsical World of Japanese Banko Ceramics
March 3, 2000 - March 3, 2000Carol Potter Peckham of San Francisco ? who previously donated a large collection of Chinese Yixing stoneware pieces to the AGGV ? has recently donated several Banko earthenware pieces, as well as lending many more pieces for this exhibition.
Historical information on Banko ware is quite scarce. A 17th century Tokyo potter named Banko made pottery in a unique fashion. In the late 19th century his style was revived near Nagoya and these pieces were made for export in great numbers. Its shapes and decorations are most charming and include flowers, birds, monkeys, sea creatures and human figures. This collection, which has approximately 70 whimsical pieces ? glazed and unglazed as well as marbleware, is one of the largest in the world.