The Art of Printmaking
October 7, 1999 - October 7, 1999One of the most obvious attractions of prints is that there are so many of them. The printmaker invests time and skill in making a wood block or an engraved copper plate so that many impressions can be taken from it. The more impressions the greater the profit from the initial investment of time and materials.
The more you examine prints the more likely you are to be entranced. However, unless you know something about how they are made, it is difficult to make judgements about the quality of individual prints. Some printmaking techniques are as simple as a rubber stamp; others, such as those used to make a mezzotint, an aquatint or a lithograph are subtle and complicated, but in all cases the more you understand their distinctive characteristics, the more you are likely to appreciate and value them.
We hope that this small exhibition will help you understand some of these techniques and, thereby, enjoy the pleasures that are to be had from looking at prints.