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A View From Here

Reimagining the AGGV Collections

April 27, 2024 - April 27, 2029 Co-curated by AGGV Chief Curator, Steven McNeil, AGGV Curator of Asian Art, Dr. Heng Wu, and AGGV Assistant Curator, Mel Granley

Two galleries, the Roger Lee Gallery of Asian Art (formerly the Ker Gallery) and the Graham Gallery, are now dedicated to showcasing selected strengths of our extraordinary permanent collections. One gallery will focus on our world-renowned Asian art collections and another will be devoted to works by Indigenous and Canadian artists, from the nineteenth century to the present.

There is a common approach to interpreting the collections within these galleries: looking at key historical works through a contemporary lens. Our interpretive approach is intentionally broad, because our collections themselves are broad in scope: spanning the continent of Asia (with emphasis on the art of China and Japan); and the lands that make up present day Canada (with a strong emphasis on the art of Coastal British Columbia).



L-R: Installation Shot, Courtesy of AGGV | Emily Carr, Odds and Ends (detail), 1939, Oil, 67.4 x 109.5 cm, Formerly in the collection of the Greater Victoria Public Library. Transferred to the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. AGGV 1998.001.001 | Meryl McMaster, Wingeds Calling (detail) 2012, Digital chromogenic print, Purchased with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grants program and the Burri-Tobey Art Acquisitions Fund, AGGV 2015.014.002
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