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The Shadow Project Pop-Up

Sep 16 | 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

The Shadow Project is a public engagement led by Bryce Kanbara to commemorate the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan on August 6 & 9, 1945. The Blast destroyed the cities and killed over 200,000 people.

We invite you to participate in The Shadow Project by creating body outlines to be drawn in chalk on the Art Gallery Grounds, as a reminder of the human tragedy inflicted by nuclear weapons. The Shadows will be a powerful image for the Public Open House and opening of the new exhibition “Start Here: Kiyookam Nakamura, Takashima, Tanabe” curated by Bryce Kanbara.

Please join us, Friday, September 16 at 2PM to make chalk outlines on the AGGV Grounds. Please wear suitable clothing, chalk will be supplied and it will only take an hour of your time.

Image Credits: Courtesy of Bryce Kanbara.

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