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Gallery Associates, Sunday Art Lecture Series

Airport Architecture and Artworks in Western Canada and Beyond

Mar 10 | 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


With Dr. Menno Hubregtse

This talk examines the connections of architectural design and the types of artworks in air terminal interiors with reference to themes of place, identity, and aviation. It concentrates on airports in Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Saskatoon, and Winnipeg, and it contextualizes their designs in terms of other major international airports in Canada and throughout the world. The lecture addresses the architects’ and planners’ rationale for selecting which artworks are appropriate for the terminal and how they determined their placement in the interior. In addition, it considers how the types of artworks have changed over the past sixty years, and how these pieces are influenced by modern art movements such as abstraction, postmodernism, and pop art.

Dr. Menno Hubregtse is a sessional lecturer at the University of Victoria where he teaches courses on art and architectural history as well as technology and society. His research concentrates on the relation between architecture and art; how building materials and design affect behaviour; philosophical ideas pertaining to architectural design and theory; the relation of public art to identity; and how architectural theorists have conceptualized the impact of digital tools on building design His publications include the book Wayfinding, Consumption, and Terminal Design


Image Credits: Dr. Menno Hubregtse, courtesy of speaker | Stock image

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