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ICYMI: Indigenous Textiles with Sho Sho Esquiro (virtual)

May 23

In case you missed it, learn more about Sho Sho Esquiro’s work that was previously installed in the Adorned exhibition. In this collection Sho Sho Esquiro focused on colonial impositions of church and state, resiliency and resistance and intergenerational strength and survival.

“As an Indigenous Artist it is my absolute life’s passion to express myself through my art. To use my platform as my responsibility to create art that touches on Indigenous issues and healing. To always challenge my vision and skill level, to carry on traditions passed down generation to generation. I love to create opportunity and spaces for those to come after me. It is my life’s mission to work with youth and elders, mentorship is very important to me. To learn and to teach the lessons and skills that I have had the privilege to be taught. It is my life’s passion and work to express myself through my art, not only through textiles but also painting. To bring awareness, compassion, healing and shine light on issues important to me.” – Sho Sho Esquiro


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