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Miles Lowry

Miles Lowry is best known for his luminous paintings and life-size sculptures. His creative collaborations include film, theatre design and music allowing his work to  been seen in a variety of exhibitions, publications and performances. 

 As a painter, he is a frequent resident at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre in Ireland. In 2019, he was selected as Artist in Residence at the Centre for the Study of Religion and Society at the University of Victoria B.C. 

 Current series include Sanctuary and Light and Breathing Spaces, paintings drawn from recent travels; One Wave, contemporary seascapes conceived as states of mind; and Letters from the Trees, a painted exploration of Ogham, the Irish tree alphabet. 

 His essay for Letters from the Trees was recently published by Cambridge Scholars Press in the book ‘Trans Discipinary Migrations – Science, the Sacred and the Arts’ edited by Yvonne Owens.

 Select works are available via For more information and artist portfolio visit


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