Nikki Macdonald
Chair C & P Committee
Dr. Nikki Macdonald has a distinguished career in public service and in the private sector, and has worked with leaders in industry, government, and academia. In 2018 she launched her own consulting practice focusing on strategic planning, policy and governance. Her recent clients include the Gordon Foundation, Council of Great Lakes, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and BC Health. She was previously the Executive Director of Government Relations for the University of Victoria, the Director of Federal Affairs for Schering Plough and served as a senior advisor to the Rt. Hon. Jean Chrétien when he was Prime Minister. Dr. Macdonald is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Victoria and continues to conduct research in the areas of governance, engagement and public policy. She is a Fellow of the Public Policy Forum. She sits on the Board of the Artisanal Gold Council and is Chair of the Mount Work Coalition.