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George Cummings
George Cummings
George Cummings

George Cummings

Canadian, b. 1936
Biographyb. Edmonton, AB 1936, moved to Victoria May, 1940; taught in Portland

"Victoria is my home town, and I have a long connection with the AGGV going back to about 1950 when it was on Broughton Street next to the Royal Theatre. I was in a show of works by John Lidstone's Saturday Morning Art Class. My piece was a painting of dinosaur on large sheet of construction paper. As I recall, Colin Graham was the Gallery's founding director. In 1967, Colin curated the Gallery's first exhibition of contemporary ceramics featuring work by the Groves and myself, and it was he who suggested that Mrs. Pollard purchase the pieces you have. And then there was the Back to the Land exhibition, which I had the pleasure of attending."
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